I am a preeclampsia with severe features survivor. In the years following my survival from preeclampsia, I went searching the internet for quotes for preeclampsia survivors. I wanted to put to words everything I was thinking and feeling and wanted to know that I wasn’t the only one feeling what I was feeling
I didn’t find many quotes. So I decided I was going to make my own. I started posting quotes for preeclampsia survivors of my own thoughts or quotes from others that described what I was going through on Instagram. It has been really healing for me to share what I am going through and also have been through. It is also very validating to know that others have felt the same feelings I have.
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7 Quotes for Preeclampsia Survivors

I experienced a very traumatic birth due to preeclampsia and all the interventions that were needed. Birth trauma is something many people aren’t familiar with. And that feeling can be isolating.

When I developed preeclampsia, it felt like my body was betraying me. I had zero control over it and there was nothing I could do to fix it. I had to put my life into the hands of my daughters and pray to God I made it out alive.

The number one thing I grieved about my birth was that what happened was nothing like I imagined. I imagined a wonderful, happy experience and that I would meet my baby right after she was born. And it was far from that. To read more about my experience click here.

For me, my grief manifested as anger. I was so angry at all the things that happened to me. So angry that I developed preeclampsia and gave birth by emergency surgery. I was so angry at the lack of support I got from friends and family. When in all reality, I was grieving. I was grieving my expected birth experience. I was grieving the relationships I thought I had.

I think its common to think that once a preeclampsia survivor leaves the hospital, they are healed and everything is fine. In reality, that is far from true. Many times they are on lots of medication and need regular follow ups with their doctor. On top of that there is the trauma they are left with. For me, everything I experienced really didn’t fully hit me until months afterwords.

One of the biggest things I struggled with was getting my friends and family to understand why I still constantly thought about my experience with preeclampsia. I just wish that they understood how close to death I was. I wish they understood just how high my blood pressure was and all the interventions that were needed to get my daughter and me out alive. And I wish they understood what it would be like for my husband to watch it all happened. All I really needed was for someone to sit with me while I cried. Someone that understood that what I went through was truly walking the line of life or death.

It’s common for preeclampsia survivors to be told to just “get over it”. They are given line after line of toxic positivity and told that they just need to move on. But what those people fail to understand is you will never fully move on from this. You just don’t forget about the day your baby almost died. You just don’t forget the look on your husband’s face as he watches you get raced down to the OR to hopefully deliver a living baby. You just can’t earse that from your mind.
These are just samples of the many quotes for preeclampsia survivors I share everyday over on my Instagram and Facebook pages. So be sure to follow me over there to see more quotes and thoughts.