Preeclampsia Survivor Preemie Mom
Hi there!
I’m Courtney.
I am a preeclampsia survivor, a preemie mom, NICU mom, loss mom and rainbow baby mom.
In 2019, I found myself alone holding my sleeping 4 lb new baby in my tiny apartment. I had just kissed my husband goodbye so he could go to work after we completed NICU discharge. For the first time since her birth, I was completely alone with my daughter and was able to sit down and think “what just happened?”.
I googled “preeclampsia” for the thousandth time since I first heard of that word a month before. I scrolled through all the results it brought up. I jumped to Instagram and went scrolling through the hashtag. Looking for anyone who was like me.
At the time I thought I was the only one in the world to have preeclampsia. I was the only one in my circle who had a premature baby. So I felt like I was an outsider. I was searching for anyone who went through something remotely like me. I wanted to know how long the emptiness I felt would last. How long it would take for me to not feel like I caused all of this to happen to me & my baby.
Fast forward to February of 2020, I signed up for a WordPress site & a new Instagram account titled “Knock on Motherhood”. I always loved to write and I needed an outlet. I choose to start blogging (something my therapist at a time actually suggested). I wanted to share what I learned about motherhood. Slowly, it took a mind of its own as I kept feeling a nudge to share my own journey to motherhood. My journey of becoming pregnant with my daughter, learning I had preeclampsia, finding out I was going to give birth prematurely via emergency c-section, getting an IUGR diagnosis after birth, navigating a NICU stay and eventually coming home as a completely different person than I was when I left for the hospital.
I needed to see, listen or read to someone who walked similar steps as me. I needed to know that eventually I wouldn’t be feeling as empty. I needed someone to teach me what preeclampsia actually was and how there wasn’t anything I could’ve done to change things. I needed someone to show me what life after preeclampsia and a preemie would look like.
In 2023, my husband and I decided to expand our family and try again. Sadly, this pregnancy was an ectopic pregnancy. We lost our baby late 2023 and I lost one of my tubes due to emergency surgery. I was bleeding internally and was lucky to make it out alive.
In early 2024, we found out we were pregnant again. I held my breath through this pregnancy. I was so lucky to be able to get pregnant again. End of 2024, I gave birth to my rainbow baby girl full term without my complications in my pregnancy. I also had no complications in my postpartrum period.
Through all of my experiences I share because oftentimes, I felt I was the only one to experience what I did.
That’s why I started & that’s who I am.
A preeclampsia survivor, preemie & NICU mom, pregnancy loss mom and rainbow baby mom who experienced birth trauma just sharing my thoughts.
I also contribute my time as an Ambassador for the 140 over 90 run that raises awareness for preeclampisa as well as raises money to donate to support the Preeclampsia Foundation. I also work with the Preeclampsia Foundation on many projects. I am also a Certified Patient Family Partner with MoMMa’s Voices.
You can follow me on my Instagram, Facebook, or Pinterest to stay up to date with me. As a preeclampsia survivor preemie mom, I am most active on Instagram, so be sure to follow me there.
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