Table of Contents
Everything I Used The First Year: Feeding
This is the third post of my new series of Everything I Used the First Year. My second post was published last week and it was all the toys and books I used the first year, click here to read. If you missed my first post about all the products I used for sleep you can click here to read.
I’m a sucker for products that make my life easier.
I love to browse Amazon and add products I want or need to list. My favorite kind of products are ones that make life with a baby easier. I have been working on this series for a while now really thinking about everything I used during the first year. I have put together a list of every single product I used during the first year of Cora’s life.
Today I will be sharing all the products I used for sleep the first year.
In the next few weeks, I will share products for feeding, clothing, general, and hygiene. Be sure to subscribe to my email list to get notified about my new posts.
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Everything I Used for Feeding
Formula/Breast Feeding

My favorite burp rags were ones that looked like these ones. Until Cora was 7 months, I didn’t have a washer and dryer in my home. So I bought multiple sets so I didn’t have to do laundry as often.

Even if you don’t choose to breastfeed, a boppy pillow is still helpful. Cora was so small and fragile that we needed help to prop her up correctly while we were holding her to feed. The boppy helped us to prop her in the right position.

Dr. Brown’s is one of the best baby bottles out there for preemies. This was the only bottle that didn’t make Cora spit up afterward. It made her reflux manageable.

I LOVE this container! It has so many uses. I used this for the first year to hold the formula to put in my diaper bag instead of bringing the whole can with me to the store. I just scooped out however much I needed for a portion beforehand. Now that I have a toddler off of formula, I use it to hold snacks.

This was so helpful in cleaning the Dr. Brown bottles during the first year! They are such a pain to clean and this dishwasher box made it a bit easier.

I used Dr. Brown bottles until Cora was about 10 months old. They were the only bottles that didn’t give her reflux (which is a super common occurrence with preemies). Cora would get frustrated with the flow and we would move up a nipple size every few months.
Solid Food

I love these pouches! It makes feeding on the go super easy. I don’t make my own purees, but I put the store-bought purees in these. It is cheaper than the pre-made pouches at the store. These pouches are also dishwasher safe, so it makes cleaning super easy.
I use this IKEA high chair. It is a simple design and it gets the job done. It isn’t my favorite high chair, but for $20 it does its job, and it’s good for a tight budget.

These bibs are so great! They are dishwasher safe, so super easy to clean. They also catch some food that your baby drops as they eat so there isn’t a huge mess on the floor.

I love these plates. They stick to the table and prevent spills. They are dishwasher safe and easy to clean. They are so great to use for BLW.

I love this mat to place under the high chair. Our apartment is carpeted where the dining room is (so annoying). Before I got this I would be scrubbing out stains from the carpet after every single meal. This has saved me a lot of cleaning time.

I really liked this weighted straw cup for a few months. But I discovered that it was a pain to clean out with the straw. That is my only complaint about it.

I did BLW (baby-led weaning) with Cora. And I introduced utensils at 8 months. She just played with them for a while. I would also preload the fork and spoon. Eventually, she started to feed herself with utensils. These utensils were my favorite and made it so easy for Cora to hold and grab herself.
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