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Boundaries: Why They Are Important As a New Mother

Boundaries have been a topic lately that my husband, Steven, and I have talked about a lot. I am really passionate about boundaries because it is something that has changed my life for the better. Boundaries have given me the ability to create safe spaces in my life and have protected me and my family.

When Cora first came home from the NICU last year, we created boundaries in our home.

I was very anxious about germs and her getting sick. Since she was so little and premature. We only invited others into our home after almost a month of her being home. And even then it was only because it was pre-COVID and not RSV season. No one entered our home until they sanitized their hands. No one held her or touched her until they sanitized their hands. I didn’t care how crazy it made me look. I didn’t want to see my child in the hospital again. If anyone else experienced what I experienced, they would feel the same.

Boundaries Why They Are Important

This boundary protected Cora from getting sick. It was an environment for us to bond together as a new family of three. Because we set up parameters of who entered our home and when.

After Cora was home for a few months we created a boundary from some people.

I was judged by the way I chose to feed my daughter. If you want to read more about that I wrote a post a few months ago about it. This experience was life-changing for me. I learned how to better stand up for myself and for my family. My husband and I spent the whole night discussing that experience. After we both cried from the initial hurt and anger from it. It bonded us closer as husband and wife and as a mother and father to our daughter. We decided that we didn’t want our daughter to ever, be exposed to that kind of behavior from those people ever again.

It is important to create boundaries from toxic people in your life because that toxicity can impact you greatly. Lack of boundaries from toxic people can cause a lot of hurt and stress in your life that is not needed. I know from experience, that when you cut out those toxic people from your life, you will be much happier and stress-free. Some people will tell you that your boundary shouldn’t exist, but that isn’t their problem. It is your boundary and yours alone. You do not need to explain to people why that boundary exists when it has nothing to do with them.

Something I have learned the past year with creating boundaries is, you have to be your own advocate.

You have to be willing to do things that might cause tension to protect you and your family. You must also uphold those boundaries in order to keep you and your family safe from physical, mental, and emotional hurt.

While boundaries are important and a big part of my life my real passion is sharing the stories of many brave women who have survived a traumatic birth. In the past, I have interviewed a preeclampsia survivor from the UK and her husband as well as a postpartum preeclampsia survivor. I also interviewed a preeclampsia survivor who started her own Instagram page to bring awareness to NICU babies. I am in awe of these strong women who have taken something so traumatic and horrible into something that helps others.

I am a preeclampsia survivor myself, and if you would like to read my premature birth story and journey with preeclampsia, click here

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