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Why Not Me? Complete Reflection On Unfair Preeclampsia Experiences

Something inside of me aches every time I see someone I know post a picture of their full-term baby. I am really truly happy for them, but at the same time, I wish that happened to me. The next hour is spent wallowing even though I have a perfectly healthy baby girl asleep in her crib. I point fingers and complain about how unfair the world is. “Why does so-and-so get to have an easy pregnancy and I didn’t? Why me?”

Interview With a Postpartum Preeclampsia Survivor

I met Victoria over Instagram during Preeclampsia Awareness Month. She is a postpartum preeclampsia survivor. She developed postpartum preeclampsia just days after her baby was born. I quickly fell in love with her account and all that she is doing. Victoria is the Founder and Race Director of the 140 over 90 run.

My Favorite BLW Products That Are Helpful To Train Baby

f you don’t know what BLW is, it is an acronym for Baby Led Weaning. This is a way to feed your baby, after they show signs of readiness, by skipping the purees and going straight to finger food. In this post I share my favorite BLW weaning products.