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10 Best Baby Products to Make Life Easier With A Newborn

I’m a sucker for a product that makes my life easier.

Baby products to make life easier with a newborn? I am a big fan.

I am an even bigger sucker for baby products to make life easier as a mom.

The newborn phase was so hard for me. It really was a huge blur. Maybe a lot of it was because of my experience with a traumatic birth. Even if your birth went exactly how you pictured it, life with a newborn is something you can never prepare fully for. For me, these products really helped me get through the first six months.

When your baby is born for the first part of their life the 3 places they are the most are asleep, in the car, or getting clean in the bath. This post goes over 10 baby products to make life easier in these 3 areas.

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baby products to make life easier with a newborn
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Baby Products To Make Life Easier With Sleep

This is my favorite swaddle ever. It was the only velcro swaddle that fit preemie daughter. When we took her home from the hospital she was just over 4 pounds. This swaddle will fit from preemie up to when they start rolling. Once they start to roll you can even just swaddle their arms out. It has two pockets you can put your baby in so it’ll work as your baby grows.

A sleep sack is a great thing to use once your baby starts rolling (so they can no longer be swaddled). It isn’t safe to have loose bedding in the crib so a sleep sack is a great transition from a swaddle.

If you aren’t using white noise to help your baby sleep, you are really missing out. White noise helps babies sleep longer because being quiet is so scary to them. While they are in the womb they are hearing mom’s blood rushing through the veins and her heartbeat. White noise mimics this sound and it gives them comfort.

For a while, I used one that was only battery-operated, but I went through batteries like crazy. This one plugs into the wall and has different noise levels. You want to have the noise level of the white noise to be the level of sound that your shower is. That way it is loud enough to fill the room, but not so loud it could ruin your baby’s hearing.

If you plan on moving your baby from your room into their own room anytime, you need a baby monitor so you can hear them at night. You don’t need the fancy monitors that have a camera and connect to your phone. A basic speaker does the job and is way cheaper.

I love using this pacifier. It makes it easy for your baby to find it at night in their crib and makes it easy for me to find as well. I like this as well because when it is time to wean her off her binky I can just take the binky part off and give her her elephant (that’s the animal on her pacifier).

Baby Products To Make Life Easier In The Car

It is so reassuring to be able to see your baby as you are driving. The straps on this mirror are really sturdy and don’t show any signs of breaking anytime soon. I used another brand for only 3 months before the straps ripped apart. It is better to get a more expensive one because it’ll last longer.

This sun hat is life-saving during the summer months. It is able to fit any size head up to toddler. There is an adjustable strap around the rim. This was super handy for me because Baby C was so small during the summer and her head was just as small. This hat will fit her for multiple summers so it is a great investment.

This is such a handy product. I was told about this by a friend who used them for long road trips. We used it primarily at night because Baby C was too small for nighttime diapers until she was 7 months (because the smallest size they make for nighttime diapers is size 3). It is like a feminine pad but for diapers and it soaks up pee. It worked so great and I plan on using these still in the future for long road trips.

Baby Products To Make Life Easier For Bathing

I really love this tub, but I didn’t start using it until she was closer to 4 months just because of her size. She was so small that in order for us to give her a bath we needed to use a different one made for preemies. It required both of us to bathe her because she needed to be swaddled while she was bathing, I’ll talk more on this in a later post and I’ll be sure to link it here once it’s published.

This tub fits great in the bath and she loved being able to splash the water. I used this with every bath until she started trying to crawl and roll out of it. At that point, I just stuck her straight in the tub.

This towel is so great to keep the baby warm right after a bath (Did I mention that it is so cute too?). Babies lose heat from their heads so having a hood is needed to keep them warm. I used this towel until she grew out of it in length, which was just recently. This towel lasted for almost 10 months.

Being a new mom is tough, but these products will make life with a newborn easier. Do you have any must-have products that you used to make the newborn phases easier? Let me know below.

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